More Money Will Bring More Problems — If You Don’t Get Your Financial House in Order First
I used to think a bigger salary would cure my financial woes.
By the time I was in my early 20s, I made six-figures. But it wasn’t until my 30s that I had something real to show for it.
I learned the hard way that a fat paycheck does not make you wealthy.
Go for the higher salary you deserve, but get your financial house in order first.
If you don’t, then every pay raise and bonus will evaporate before your eyes. Out of control debt and mindless spending will deplete your financial gains, as well as your spirit.
It feels amazing to get a financial windfall, especially after you’ve worked hard for it. But it feels absolutely horrible to see it go down the drain and to find yourself right back where you started, with zero net worth and plenty of headaches.
Conversely, how would it feel if every increase in pay went straight towards your vision? What if your financial situation was so steady that you treated every bonus like a lump sum investment in your future?
Ready to make a u-turn? The first step is to declare it. The next step is to take action.
Get real about your current situation.
If you’re like I was, you purposefully distract yourself by chasing more money, while simultaneously ignoring the stuff you don’t want to deal with, like those darn credit card statements. In order to clean up the mess, you’ve got to pull back the rug and come face to face with what’s been hiding under there.
Next, forgive yourself 100%.
What’s done is done. There’s no changing the past, and feeling bad or shameful about it is a waste of your precious mental energy. Every mistake, even the money kind, is a blessing because it’s an opportunity to learn and grow. Congratulations, you’ve found your growing edge.
When you’re ready, ask for help.
Repeating the same thought patterns, behaviors, and habits that got you into your current situation will keep you stuck. Lacking clarity on the vision for your life will keep you chasing external goals that leave you unfulfilled. You don’t need another personal finance book or budget spreadsheet. You need to transform your relationship with money from the inside out.