This Is the Most Impactful Book I’ve Ever Read On Money, But You Won’t Find It in the Personal Finance Section
2 min readJan 16, 2023
There are a lot of outstanding books about money and personal finance.
And I’ve read most of them.
But the book that had the greatest impact on my relationship with money is A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
Here are some of Tolle’s key points and how they relate to your finances:
- We have a dysfunctional relationship with the present moment. Most of our time is spent in the past or future, not where we have maximum control. In order to make mindful financial decisions, we must practice awareness and stay present.
- Our ego thrives on having and comparing. This drives us to chase stuff, and preferably better stuff than that of our neighbors. This hunger prevents us from finding true fulfillment and fostering an abundance mindset.
- Satisfaction derived through form is short-lived. When we focus solely on acquiring and not on being, we make financial decisions without concern for the long-term implications.
- If we believe deep inside that we are not enough, we turn to role-playing. This means we adopt an outward persona that we must keep up at all costs, and we use debt to prop up this chosen image and lifestyle.
- Stress results from caring more about the end goal than the journey. When we try to achieve our financial goals through restriction and sacrifice alone, we can become miserable in the process. Your state of mind has a direct impact on how quickly and easily you achieve your goals.
- Unhappiness isn’t a product of our situation, but our thoughts about it. Your financial situation just is. Acknowledge it, but shift your attention towards a solution. Try not to label it “bad” as that will distract you with shame and regret.
This book is extremely powerful and will change your approach to life, beyond just your finances. Understanding these core principles will put you on the fast track towards building a blissful relationship with money.